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Prof. Dr. Max Ackermann Verbal communication
Public relations officer of the Faculty of Design

Prof. Christine Albert Room & Event Design
Dean of the Faculty of Design

Prof. Manuel Casasola Merkle Computer Generated Imaging CGI
Budget Representative of the Faculty of Design

Prof. Oliver Kussinger Digital Imaging
responsible for: Internships and the mandatory internship semester

Prof. Olaf Thiele Computer Generated Object Design

Prof. Markus Lange Grafik Design

Prof. Walter Mehl CAST
Chairman of the examination commission of the Faculty of Design, Web-based public relations of the Faculty of Design

Prof. Dr. Christoph Schaden Image Science
Representative for Internationalization of the Faculty of Design

Prof. Lucia Scharbatke Film & Animation
Women's Representative

Prof. Sybille Schenker Illustration
Quality Management Representative

Prof. Burkard Vetter Typography
Dean of Studies

Prof. Tilman Zitzmann Interaction Design
Web-based public relations of the Faculty of Design

Lecturers for specific tasks

Fabian Bitter Research and Transfer
Steve Wühr Sound Design

Dean's office

Regina Wimmer Secretary
Monika Fuchs Secretary

Technical staff

Max Mamic IT-Administration
Matthias Mühlhausen Photography, technical basics
Garri Steba Technical basics, Computer Animation