Electrical drive systems and automation technology laboratory


Laboratory management

Operational stability and structural component optimization laboratory

Laboratory room: KH.U03

Experimental technology placement in the Operational stability and structural component optimization laboratory:

  • Experimental tension analysis using the strain gauge (DMS).
  • Measuring material damping.
  • Recording cyclical flow curves for the over-elastic finite element (FE) calculation of near-net shape notched samples. Comparison of FE results and analytically approximated notch strain values with strain measurements.
  • Recording of Wöhler (S-N) curves and determining the service-life of notched, near-net shape samples subjected to over-elastic dynamic load.
  • Measurement of the dynamic crack propagation in notched samples and comparison with customary calculation approaches from fracture mechanics.
  • Contact-free optical measurement of shifts and strains on the surfaces of components subjected to static and dynamic loads, using the 3D image correlation process (ARAMIS system).

The experimental technology placement builds upon the content of the subjects “Strength of Materials” and “FEM simulation technology”.

Alongside carrying out placements, externally funded industrial and research projects, and projects and thesis work in the context of bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes are also carried out.

Laboratory management

Laboratory staff

Energy engineering laboratory

The Energy laboratory provides access to a comprehensive pool of measuring equipment to measure all relevant quantities in the area of energy engineering. For the purpose of educating the students, the following test rigs are available:

  • Gas-fired boiler
  • Gas condensing boiler
  • Oil-fired boiler
  • Oil-fired condensing boiler
  • Compression heat pump
  • Absorption heat pump
  • Fuel cell
  • Solar vacuum tube collector
  • Steam generator 1 MW
  • Steam turbine
  • Organic Rankine process with R 245 fa
  • Liquid piston compressor

For educational purposes computers are available for simulation, control and process control of the systems.

Laboratory management

Climate technology laboratory

The Climate technology laboratory provides access to an extensive range of measuring equipment to measure all relevant quantities in the area of climate technology.

The fundamental experimental structure within the climate laboratory is a climate chamber. This is subdivided by a separation wall into two equally sized zones – the interior climate zone and the exterior climate zone. Different atmospheric conditions can be achieved in both zones. Both chambers can be accessed from outside by two separate doors. It is possible to create a separation wall by installing construction elements, such as windows, façade elements, doors or similar, without a great deal of effort.

The properties of the climate chambers are as follows:

  • A dual-zone system with an interior and exterior zone
  • Features:
Volume of chamber 64 m3
Interior zoneV= 32 m3, A= 10 m2
Exterior zoneV= 32 m3, A= 10 m2
Exterior insulation160 mm of PU foam
Zone separation wall320 mm of PU foam

The following conditions can be achieved in the interior zone or exterior zone respectively:

Laboratory management

Heating technology laboratory

Laboratory management

Measurement technology laboratory

Lab rooms: KA.009, KA.011, KA.U20, KA.U22

The Measurement technology laboratory is used by students during their studies. This applies to the lectures teaching the basics of measurement technology, but the laboratory is also used to carry out scientific work in the context of projects, or bachelor’s or master’s theses. Furthermore, collaborations with industry are also maintained.

To complement their studies, students in the MB, EGT, and IBT bachelor's degree programmes have a compulsory placement in measurement technology. Students are familiarized with the conventional configurations used in measurement technology, with an emphasis on applied measurement technology. During the placement, students are trained in the safe handling of sensors and measurement systems in a practical context. An important feature of the training is to correctly determine temperatures, lengths, routes, forces, momentums, deformations, quantities expressing atmospheric conditions, speeds, and many other quantities within a wide diversity of test rigs. In smaller projects, students are required to apply what they have learned autonomously. To that end, test rigs such as home training apparatus, air compressors, cableways, espresso machines, air conditioning systems, and others are available for students to use.

Laboratory management

Laboratory staff

Process control engineering laboratory

Laboratory management

Machine tools laboratory

Laboratory management

Laboratory staff

Name Contact
Frank Weiß Frank Weiß

Quality assurance laboratory

Lab rooms: KH.013a, KH.110, KH.110a, KH.111


  • Manual measuring equipment for the measurement of lengths, angles, and contours
  • FARO measuring robot
  • Measurement machinery for surface roughness, mould tolerances, contours, etc.
  • Measuring microscope with image evaluation
  • Hand-operated and CNC-controlled coordinate measurement machines

Achieving competitive success requires trust in the ability to fulfil requirements made in terms of the quality of the products or services. The quality management system of an organization (business or university) provides the framework conditions that ensure quality is achieved by means of specific measures (quality assurance). In the quality assurance laboratory, students are trained to carry out dimensional measurements on components using state-of-the-art measurement facilities and to systematically evaluate them.

Laboratory management

Laboratory staff

Control technology and process control engineering/mechatronics laboratory

Lab rooms: KA.104, KA.105, KA.106, KA.107

In the control technology and control engineering/mechatronics laboratory, students have the opportunity to put the theoretical knowledge they have acquired during lectures to practical use.
Test rigs:

  • 3x compressed air controlled system
  • PC workstations for the simulation of control loops
  • 3x Gurski rotation speed controlled system with variable load
  • 3x ventilator controlled system
  • Linear tool axis with drive train

Special software and hardware facilities:

  • Winfact for block-oriented simulation
  • MATLAB/Simulink by MathWorks
  • 3x DS1104 controller board by dSpace
  • 3x Simatic S7 controls using Step7 software by Siemens

Experimental topics in the bachelor’s degree programme:

  1. The stationary behaviour of controlled systems
  2. The dynamic behaviour of controlled systems
  3. Dynamic behaviour of control loops
  4. Empirical setting rules for regulators
  5. Simulation of dynamic systems
  6. Cascading system, Bode diagram
  7. Control structures
  8. Programmable logic controllers

Experimental topics in the master’s degree programme:

  1. A short general introduction to Matlab
  2. Programming functions for the calculation of characteristic component values
  3. Programming a script file to calculate a drive chain
  4. Calculating movement DGLn, state space representation, and frequency response
  5. Modal analysis
  6. Cascading system
  7. Cascading system with pilot control

Laboratory management

Laboratory staff

Name Contact
Richard Lorenz Richard Lorenz
Dipl.-Ing. (TU)
Albin Wölker Albin Wölker

Refrigeration engineering laboratory

In order to measure all relevant quantities in the refrigeration circuit, an extensive range of measuring devices is available.
In the refrigeration engineering laboratory, the following experimental test rigs are used:

  • Ammonia – compression refrigeration machine with brine storage tank
  • Compression heat pump
  • Absorption heat pump
  • Liquid piston – refrigeration machine

The laboratory has a station that is suitable for emptying and filling the cooling circuits of refrigeration machines.

Laboratory management

Laboratory staff

Automotive engineering laboratory

Testfahrzeug Opel Astra
Test vehicle – Opel Astra

Laboratory room: KY.20

For further information, please visit the
Laboratory pages for the Automotive engineering laboratory (German page)

Laboratory staff

Fluid dynamics and turbo machinery laboratory

Automodell im Windkanal mit Ergebnissen der Strömungsberechnung überlagert.
Model car in the wind tunnel

Laboratory room: KH.010

In the Fluid mechanics and turbo machinery laboratory, the following test rigs are available:

  • Wind tunnel
  • Steam turbine
  • Refrigeration unit
  • Piston compressor
  • Axial ventilator
  • Rotary pump
  • Pelton turbine

Head of Laboratory

Laboratory staff

Product development laboratory

Laboratory room: KB.307


Alongside virtual reality, process optimization, and construction, reverse engineering/3D scanning and rapid prototyping using a variety of 3D printers are the specialist areas of this laboratory.


For further information, please visit the webpages of the Product development laboratory (German Page).

Laboratory management


Project staff/research staff/laboratory staff

Name Contact
Christian Deuerlein Christian Deuerlein
Robin Löffler Robin Löffler
Fabian Müller Fabian Müller
Daniel Rücker Daniel Rücker
Florian Winter Florian Winter

Computer-aided design laboratory

In the Faculty’s Computer-aided design laboratory from the first semester onwards, students follow a number of consecutive courses that familiarize them with the methods and systems of computer-aided product development (CAD/CAE) and production (CAD/CAM/CAP). The main activity for which the CAD laboratory is used is for the courses CAD 1” and “CAD 2, and in order to produce the design engineering projects required in the courses Design Engineering 1 and Design Engineering 2 and for the design and development project. The laboratory is also used for a variety of bachelor’s and master’s degree theses.

The computer pool encompassing all laboratories currently consists of 166 workstations, on which a large number of program packages for design and calculation are available (analytical and FEM).


Disciplines that form part of computer-aided design

CAE = computer-aided engineering
CAE is defined as the computer-aided solution of technical and scientific problems before and during the engineering stage of the development and construction process. It encompasses many sub-areas, such as CAD, FEM, CFD, MKS, FSI, CAM and CAQ.

Engineering Design, CAD, and Simulation

CAD (= computer-aided design) encompasses all activities that make use of electronic data processing in the context of development and design work.
Thanks to the range of functions and tasks it is capable of carrying out, the CAD system is one of the key components of a computer-integrated production and of the digital product model, when the aim is to achieve a faithful description of a product in the computer, along with all of the relevant documents, attributes, and structures.


The Finite Elements Method (FEM) is a numerical process to solve partial differential equations.
FEM is primarily used in order to mathematically define the elastic properties, and if applicable the plastic properties of mechanical systems in which mass and elasticity are continually distributed across the bodies. In such cases, the model consists of many finite elements of simple geometry, whose principal deformation capabilities are restricted by the specification of trial functions. The objectives of the examinations are primarily the effects of external loads on the deformation and tension conditions in the bodies concerned. The mathematical formulation of FEM systems results in ordinary differential equation systems incorporating a very large number of degrees of freedom.


The objective of computational fluid mechanics (CFD) is to resolve fluid dynamics problems using numerical methods.


Multi-body simulation (MKS) is suitable for describing mechanical systems consisting of bodies that largely behave rigidly and are connected to one another by means of bearings and joints. An MKS consists of generally rigid bodies impacted upon by individual forces and moments at discrete points.


FSI stands for Fluid Structure Interaction and refers to the linking of flow and structural calculations, in order to calculate the mutual influence that takes place.


CAM stands for Computer-Aided Manufacturing and refers to the EDP-based support that is used to control and monitor the production process. This relates to the control of machine tools, handling devices, and transportation and storage systems. One example of this is the production of NC programs for CNC machines on the computer.


CAQ stands for Computer-Aided Quality Assurance. It forms part of quality management and encompasses measures for the planning and implementation of quality assurance. This includes the drawing up of test plans and test programs and the implementation of computer-aided measurement and testing processes.


CIM stands for Computer-Integrated Manufacturing and is defined as the integrated use of EDP in all areas of production. This includes all activities starting from development and design through to production and quality assurance. The tasks relating to order processing, such as planning, production control, drawing up tenders, and cost calculations will be included.

Laboratory management

Laboratory staff

Robotics laboratory

Industrieroboter Kuka Agilus zeichnet mit Bleistift auf Papier
Industrieroboter Kuka Agilus zeichnet

Laboratory room: KH.005 0911 / 5880-1703

In the Robotics laboratory, innovative applications and programming concepts for industrial robots are developed, especially in the context of teaching (placements, project papers, bachelor’s theses, master’s theses). The Robotics laboratory forms an integral part of the Ohm Robotics Network.

For further information, please visit the
Laboratory pages of the Robotics laboratory (German page)

Laboratory head

Laboratory staff

Noise vibration and harshness laboratory (NVH laboratory)

Lab rooms:

KA.014Seminar and practice room
KA.U20Anechoic acoustic measurement room
KA.U22Access to the measurement room
KA.U24Preparatory room

In the Noise vibration and harshness laboratory, students in their sixth semester or above are introduced to the multifaceted experimental methods in the area of vibration technology and acoustics. Using selected experiments, a more in-depth appreciation is provided of the theoretical principles set out in the assigned lectures.
The practically oriented application of the experimental investigation methods is frequently achieved by carrying out tasks requested by industrial partners and by carrying out final theses and research projects.


MEASUREMENT and ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS for the measurement of noise and vibration

  • Multi-channel recording systems (front ends) for dynamic measurements
  • Modular sound level meters
  • Hearing-related measurement and reproduction systems
  • Simulink-based real-time testing systems
  • Electrodynamic shakers, pulse hammers
  • Signal generators, amplifiers, etc.
  • Acceleration records, transducers
  • Anechoic noise measurement room (4.8m x 4.2m x 2.75m)
  • Loudspeakers, headphones
  • Microphones, intensity measurement probe
  • Software packages for signal and system analysis
Ausstattung für die Schall- und Schwingungsmessung
Ausstattung für die Schall- und Schwingungsmessung

Laboratory management

Combustion engines laboratory

For further information, please visit the

Webpages of the Institute for Automotive Engineering (German page)

Laboratory management

Laboratory staff

Materials engineering laboratory I

Lab rooms: KH.U01, KH.U02, KH.U03, KH.012, KH.116

The use of state-of-the-art, high-performance materials is one of the drivers of technological development and plays an important role in innovative technologies of the future. The ability to handle the key technological components used in materials engineering is heavily dependent on a solid understanding of the principles of materials engineering itself. On a practical level, a good understanding of the associations between the (micro) structure of a material and the physical and technical properties of that material is highly important to engineers. For that reason, during the degree programmes students are provided clear demonstrations of materials science knowledge regarding structure, processing, the targeted changing of properties, and testing in practically oriented experiments in the laboratory.

The Materials engineering laboratory I encompasses the most important processes for the destructive and non-destructive testing of materials and material properties. In the laboratory, students are shown how these are used in professional contexts for purposes such as quality assurance, material and product development, and damage analysis, by means of targeted practical exercises on heat-treated, cold-worked, cast, or welded samples.

The primary areas covered include:

  • The application of various testing techniques
  • The interconnection between the structure of a material and its properties
  • The parameters affecting the behaviour of materials and components under static and dynamic load
  • Quality assurance: Detecting and assessing flaws in the material

The laboratory supports companies within the region, fulfilling the role of a partner for tasks in the area of material development and in the carrying out of inspection or testing orders.

Mechanical testing equipment

UTS 3 universal testing machine (tensile testing)

  • Testing force: 12N to 3 kN
  • Geometry of sample: Flat samples, cables
  • Free clamping length: max. 700 mm 

Rumul resonance pulser

  • Max. testing force: 100kN (± 50 kN)
  • Test frequency: 40 - 250 Hz
  • Geometry of sample: Round samples with chucks (M10x1, M12x1, M48x1), round samples with smooth clamping length, flat samples (max. width 40 mm)
  • Testing up to 300 °C

Creep test rigs

  • Creep tests up to 1000 °C, max 20 kN

Zwick Z100 universal testing machine

  • Testing force: max. 100 kN
  • Geometry of sample: Flat samples, round samples
  • Free clamping length: max. 700 mm
  • Test chamber -40 to 350 °C

UTS 250 universal testing machine

  • Max. testing force: 250 kN, hydraulic clamping jaws
  • Geometry of sample: Flat samples and round samples (Ø 6 mm - 45 mm)
  • Clamping length: 80 mm to 700 mm 

Schenck hydropulser
(Fatigue strength testing on smooth or notched samples and components)

  • Max. testing force: ± 50 kN
  • Test frequency: max. 30 Hz
  • Geometry of sample: Flat samples, round samples (Ø 5 mm - 20 mm)
  • Max. nominal elevation: 100 mm (±50 mm)

Wolpert pendulum impact tester

  • Notched bar impact bending test compliant with DIN EN 10045

Revetest Xpress scratch-test

  • Testing ply adhesion compliant with DIN EN ISO 20502

Hardness test

  • Brinell
  • Vickers
  • Rockwell
  • Microhardness
  • Mobile testing procedures

Additional technological test procedures

  • Phased array ultrasound testing
  • Eddy current testing
  • Surface crack testing (magnetic powder, dye penetrant method)
  • Erichsen cupping test
  • Ultrasound measurement to determine bolt pretensioning forces
Equipment for corrosion and environmental simulation

Climate chamber

  • -40 °C to +300 °C
  • Relative air humidity 0 to 100% (up to 95 °C)
  • Additional cooling panel can be incorporated

Salt spraying chamber

  • Salt spray test up to 60 °C
  • VDA alternating test
  • Test cycles can be freely defined


  • To determine current density potential curves or no-load potential

Various kilns

  • Temperature range – 50 °C to 1600 °C
  • Partly flushed with protective gas or reactive gas
  • Processes: Case-hardening, nitriding, boriding
Scanning electron microscope
  • Zeiss EVO 25 LS with large sample chamber
  • Bruker Quantax EDX
  • Testing under an atmosphere of water vapour up to 3000 Pa possible
  • Peltier cooling table -70 °C

Laboratory management

Laboratory staff

Materials engineering and joining technology laboratory

Lab rooms: KH.101, KH.102, KH.U12B

Areas of work:

  • Electric arc and beam welding processes
  • Non-destructive material testing


  • Gas, WIG, and MIG welding devices
  • Various heat treatment ovens
  • Devices to test weldability
  • Facilities for non-destructive and destructive testing
  • Various optical microscopes and scanning electron microscope
  • PCs with data logging capability

Laboratory management

Laboratory staff