The Competence Center for Analytics, Nano- and Materials Technology will continue as part of the OHM-CMP, and all tasks and research activities have been taken over.

New substances and materials form the basis for new technological developments. Polymers and composites, dispersions and emulsions, surfaces and interfaces are as much a part of these as improved metals, ceramics, and other “conventional” substances. The production and processing procedures cannot be dissociated from material development; on the contrary, they form an essential component of the successful introduction of new materials systems.

The areas of application for new substance systems extend widely, from construction materials in the automotive industry through modification of surfaces in electronic components to particles and emulsions in medical-pharmaceutical applications. In recent years, the development of new materials has increasingly become an interdisciplinary technology that can only be mastered with the involvement of the different fields of chemistry, physics, materials engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and process engineering. The analysis of newly developed materials and the testing of substances and components are as much a part of this as the procedures and materials themselves.

In order to face this challenge, the Competence Center for Analytics, Nano- and Materials Technology coordinates and pools materials research and development at the Ohm from across all Faculties.

The KAM makes available the skills and laboratories from all specialist fields required for the development of substances and materials, such as chemistry, process engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and material sciences.

From analysis, characterisation, and testing of (raw) materials and components through to development of new materials and systems, the KAM provides all the expertise and experience of the Ohm in the fields of materials chemistry and materials engineering.