At the Institute for Chemistry, Materials and Product Development (Ohm-CMP), experts from a range of different Faculties at the Ohm work together on cross-disciplinary research and industrial projects.

Our objectives:

  1. Research and development
    The technologies, processes, and methods of tomorrow are researched across a diverse range of projects.
  2. Provision of support to companies
    We make state-of-the-art development tools and expertise accessible.
Product development, from planning, materials, and manufacturing through to the end of a component’s service life

Nuremberg Institute of Technology has a long-standing tradition in the field of applied research and development, particularly in the fields of chemistry, materials, and product development.

The development of new technologies and manufacturing processes, together with increasingly stringent requirements with regard to sustainability during manufacturing and when products reach the end of their lives, are posing new challenges for the aFuE.

To better address the new, multi-faceted topics in the areas of product development and material research, from composition to recycling, the 3D Visualization Center, the Competence Center for Analytics, Nano- and Materials Technology (KAM), and the Competence Center for Environmental Technology – Environmental Institute (UI) have merged to become the new Institute for Chemistry, Materials and Product Development (OHM-CMP). This has made it possible to carry out research into all aspects of the life cycle of a product, from the cradle to the grave, as it were, within a single institute.

This primarily occurs from the point of view of new manufacturing technologies, such as additive manufacturing or state-of-the-art bonding techniques, also taking account of sustainability during the product cycle, e.g. recycling-friendly material design or the use of safer raw materials.

Our tasks

The main purpose of OHM-CMP can be broadly summarized as follows:

To provide support to predominantly regional firms in connection with the issues they face and their ideas for research

 OHM-CMP can support the business sector in a number of different ways:

  • Provision of services in the fields of analytics, material testing, engineering, and additive manufacturing
  • Commissioned research in the working areas of the participating professors
  • Issuing of advice for specific remits
  • Conducting long-term research projects

The performance of these tasks by the institute is largely funded by means of commissioned research or public research contracts.