
Arno Dentel Arno Dentel
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Volker Stockinger Volker Stockinger
Prof. Dr.

Associated Professors

Name Contact
Mathias Ehrenwirth Mathias Ehrenwirth
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Pooyan Jahangiri Pooyan Jahangiri
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Thomas Metz Thomas Metz
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Magnus Schober Magnus Schober
Prof. Dr.
Florian Uhrig Florian Uhrig
Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Former Management

Name Contact
Wolfram Stephan Wolfram Stephan
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Christina Betzold Christina Betzold
Susanna Bordin Susanna Bordin
Florian Büttner Florian Büttner
M.FM., Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Miriam Ertel Miriam Ertel
Mario Franz Mario Franz
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Maryam Ghasemi Maryam Ghasemi
Marc Hagius Marc Hagius
Philipp Heitz Philipp Heitz
Gottfried Hilburger Gottfried Hilburger
M.Sc., Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Norbert Hopf Norbert Hopf
Sebastian Hummel Sebastian Hummel
Philip Kozan Philip Kozan
Sven Salmon Sven Salmon
Andreas Söhnchen Andreas Söhnchen
Mario Wageringel Mario Wageringel
Heike Weigand Heike Weigand
Joshua Zick Joshua Zick

Address / directions



The Ohm’s campus is located in the city centre and is easy to reach using public transport. If travelling by car, follow all signs to the city centre, whichever direction you are coming from. The route to the Technische Hochschule Nürnberg is signposted.

Institute for Energy and Building (ieg)

Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
Keßlerplatz 12
D-90489 Nuremberg Telephone: 0911 - 5880 1840
Fax: 0911 - 5880 5840
Email: ieg[at]

Rooms: KB.401, KB.402, KB.406, KB.407b

Technical Center - Rednitzhembach


The Technical Center is located on Siemensstraße in Rednitzhembach.

If travelling by car, you can reach the site via the A6 motorway. Take Exit 56 signposted to Schwabach-Süd and proceed towards Rednitzhembach, whichever direction you are coming from.

Technical Center - Rednitzhembach

Siemensstraße 1
D-91126 Rednitzhembach


Norbert Hopf, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Email: norbert.hopfatth-nuernbergPunktde
Telephone: 09122 1886911

Energie Campus Nürnberg


The Energie Campus Nürnberg is situated in the Weststadt district and is easy to reach via public transport.

If travelling by car, you can reach the site via the A73 motorway. If travelling from the south, take the exit signposted “Westring”. If travelling from the north, take the exit signposted “Fürth-Doos”. The route to the Energie Campus Nürnberg is signposted.

Energie Campus Nürnberg (EnCN)

Energy-efficient systems for facility technology
Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
Fürther Straße 250
D- 90429 Nuremberg

Telephone: +49 (0)911 5880 3121
Fax: +49 (0)911 5880 7120

Rooms: 16.3.18, 16.3.19, 16.3.35