For individuals with vocational qualifications

Are you interested in studying for a degree as further training or for a career change? If you hold vocational qualifications, you can also study without a university entrance qualification. Find out more about the admission requirements and the numerous support options available at Nuremberg Tech.

  • Even if you are not yet enrolled, you can borrow the following books from our Library :
    "Grundwissen Mathematik, ein Vorkurs für Fachhochschule und Universität" by Jan van de Craats and Rob Bosch (Springer Verlag)
    "Physik - der Grundkurs" by R. Pitka, S. Bohrmann, H. Stöcker, G. Terlecki (Verlag Harri Deutsch)

  • To facilitate your start at university, the vhb offers a bridging course that allows you to review the essential maths curriculum from school and gain an introduction to university-level maths.

  • In the online course “Mathe endlich verstehen” the foundations of mathematics is explained using a collection of videos, problems, and solutions.

  • Additionally, our university offers all prospective students an opportunity to visit trial lectures. You can visit regular lectures with no need to register beforehand.