You will find an overview of our cooperation partners in the following. 


Internal collaboration with

  • Faculties of Business Administration; Applied Mathematics, Physics and Humanities; and Social Sciences
  • University Equality Service
  • University Families Service
  • Officer for students with disabilities
  • Diversity Audit Steering Group
  • Student LGBTIQ* Working Group


Collaboration with external organisations

  • Office for Gender and Diversity, FAU Erlangen
  • “Memory Work/Human Rights/Values”  portfolio at the Caritas-Pirckheimer-Haus Academy, Nuremberg
  • Office for Equal Opportunities and Diversity – Anti-Discrimination of the City of Erlangen
  • Nuremberg Institute for Pedagogy and School Psychology (IPSN)

Specializing in migration

  • Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Nuremberg
  • City of Erlangen – Coordinating Body for Integration
  • Bavarian Network for Teachers with a History of Migration (LEMI e.V.)
  • Various Turkish migrant organizations in the region 



Specializing in gender

  • Partner university of Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara 
  • Partner university of Vilnius University, Lithuania
  • Harriet Taylor Mill Institute for Economics and Gender Research of the Berlin School of Economics and Law
  • Department of Gender Studies of the Central European University in Budapest
  • Women’s affairs officer of the city of Nuremberg
  • Equal opportunities officer of the city of Ansbach
  • erfolgsfaktor FRAU e.V.
  • Women and Right-wing Extremism Research Network 


Specializing in sexual diversity

  • SOGI Coordination Group of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region (SOGI = Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities)
  • Fliederlich e.V., Nuremberg Gay and Lesbian Centre
  • Chair of practical theology of the FAU 


Below are references to various institutions in alphabetical order. Links providing further reading have been included in particular. In addition, there are links to topical information and materials from past KomGeDi salons.

Links: other organisations

Arbeitsgruppe Gender-Forschung [Gender Research Working Group], Rostock University

Essen College of Gender Research, University of Duisburg Essen

Forschungsnetzwerk Frauen und Rechtsextremismus [Women and Right-wing Extremism Research Network], Frankfurt a.M. University of Applied Sciences

Gender Research Group, Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel

Gender und Frauenforschungszentrum der Hessischen Hochschulen [Gender and Women’s Studies Center of the Hesse Universities],  (Cornelia Goethe Center) Goethe University, Frankfurt a.M., Gender Studies / Women’s Studies and Gender Research 

Inclusion as a human right, Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte e.V. [German Institute for Human Rights]

Institute for Gender Research in Medicine, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin 

Interdisciplinary Centre for Women’s Studies and Gender Research, Bielefeld University 

Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Research, Bern University

Interfaculty Research Platform for Gender Research, Innsbruck University 

Koordinationsstelle für Geschlechterstudien, Frauenforschung und Frauenförderung  [Coordinating Body for Gender Studies, Women’s Studies and the Promotion of Women, Karl-Franzen University of Graz

Koordinierungsstelle für Genderforschung und Chancengleichheit [Coordinating Body for Gender Research and Equal Opportunity], in Sachsen-Anhalt (KGC)

Margherita von Brentano Center, Free University of Berlin

Teil der Abteilung FGDD (Family, Gender, Diversity, Disabilty) - Gendup, Universität Salzburg 

Zentrum für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung [Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research], Leipzig University

Zentrum für Geschlechterstudien / Gender Studies (ZG) [Center for Gender Studies], Paderborn University

Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung [Center for Interdisciplinary Women’s Studies and Gender Research], Technical University of Berlin

Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien  [Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies], Humboldt University of Berlin

Zentrum Gender Studies [Center for Gender Studies], Basel University other information sources

Infoflyer mentale Gesundheit  [Information on mental health] - Project group "Es Geht Ohm Dich"

Offener Brief zur Lage queerer Geflüchteter in AnkER-Zentren  [Open letter on queer refugees’ situations in AnkER centers]

Video zum Thema Alltagsrassismus  [Video on the topic of everyday racisim] -A Design student’s project

Guide to queer life in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region   -KomGeDi project

“Working Paper zum Topic Frauen im Journalism of Technology” [Working paper on the topic of women in journalism of technology] (see KomGeDi Salon 30 Nov 2022)