Georgios Bikas

Tuesday 14:00-15:00

Curriculum vitae

Since April 2017: Professor at Technischen Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm

2014 – 2017: Engineering Manager,  Diesel Engine Management Systems, Delphi Powertrain Systems ( Flechtorf near Wolfsburg).

2012 – 2014: Chief Engineer Engines and deputy Direktor Large & Gas Engines at Ricardo Deutschland GmbH.

2013 – 2014: Lecturer Thermodynamics at DHBW (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg) Heidenheim.

2007 – 2012: Senior Expert piston engines and Labmanager Thermal Sciences Laboratory at GE Global Research Europe in Garching bei München.

2006 – 2007: Senior Engineer Calculation 3D-CFD Injection and Combustion and Teamleader  Engine Simulation Team at Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center, Rüsselsheim.

2001 –2006: Research Engineer Ford Powertrain Research and Advanced Engineering Europe, Ford Motor Company.

1996 – 2002: PhD  RWTH Aachen (Dr.-Ing.),  research scientist  Institut für Technische Mechanik (nowadays Institut für Technische Verbrennung ITV).

Teaching areas

Internal Combustion Engines

  1. Injection Lab

  2. Combustion Engine Lab

  3. Toolset - Dieselspray


IoT, Big Data Analytics, Digital Twins inCombustion Engine Development

Combustion Systems (Diesel, Gasoline, CNG, DF)

Spray dynamics

Performance and Emissions

Gas exchange, mixture formation and emissions (engine out) modeling



  • Internal Combustion Engines

  • Fluidmechanics
  • Experimental methods in powertrain engineering

  • Engineering Design



  1. Bikas G, Michos N.K.,:"Carbon Monoxide Emissions Model for Data Analytics in Internal Combustion
    Engine Applications Derived from Post-Flame Chemical Kinetics", SAE 2018, 2018-01-1153
  2. Michos N. K., Bikas G., Vlaskos I.: “A new global algebraic model for NOx emissions formation in post-flame gases - Application to lean premixed combustion systems”, SAE 2016, 2016-01-0803.
  3. Bikas G., Michos N.K., Vlaskos I.: “ Ein neues globales algebraisches Modell der NOx-Bildung für Erdgasmotoren” MTZ 12/2015, S. 68-73.
  4. Marchi, Vlaskos I., Bikas G.: “Neuer Ansatz zur Berechnung des Klopfbeginns bei Ottomotoren” MTZ 03/2015, S. 26-30.
  5. Zervas E., Bikas G., Zachariadis Th.: “CO2 emissions change from the introduction of Diesel passenger cars. Case of Switzerland”, J. Environ. Technol. Manag. 2009 Vol.10, No.1, pp. 102 – 118.
  6. Zervas E., Poulopoulos S.G., Philippopoulos C., Bikas G.: “CO2 control by means of the increased penetration of diesel passenger cars in Finland”, Global NEST Journal 10 (2) : pp. 174-182 (Jun 2008).
  7. Zervas E., Bikas G.: ”Impact of the driving cycle on the NOx and PM exhaust emissions of Diesel passenger car”, Energy & Fuels 02/2008; 22(3).
  8. Bikas G., Zervas E.: “Non-regulated pollutants emitted during the regeneration of a Diesel Particulate Filter”, Energy & Fuels 04/2007; 21(3).
  9. Bikas G., Zervas E.: “Non-regulated pollutants emitted from Euro3 Diesel vehicles as a function of their mileage”, Energy & Fuels 07/2007; 21(5).
  10. Bikas G., Grimm J., Fischer M., „Creating Synergies between Virtual Development and Testing for Diesel Engine Applications”, 2. Tagung "Motorprozesssimulation und Aufladung" herausgegeben von Helmut Pucher, Jörn Kahrstedt 397-404, Haus der Technik, 2007.
  11. Zervas E., Bikas G.: “CO2 emissions change from the increasing percentage of Diesel passenger cars in Norway”, Energy and Fuels, 19, 5, pp 1919-1926, 2005.
  12. Barths H., Hasse C., Bikas G., Peters N.: “Simulation of Combustion in DI Diesel Engines using a Eulerian Particle Flamelet Model”, 28th International Symposium on Combustion, Edinburgh, Proc. Combust. Inst., 28, pp. 1161-1168, 2001.
  13. Bikas G., Peters N.: “Kinetic Modelling of n-Decane Combustion and Autoignition”, Combustion and Flame, 126, pp. 1456-1475 (2001).
  14. Bikas G.: “Kinetic Mechanisms of Hydrocarbon Ignition”, PhD Thesis, RWTH Aachen, 2002.
  15. Hasse C., Bikas G., Peters, N.: “Modeling DI-Diesel Combustion using the Eulerian Particle Flamelet Model (EPFM)”, SAE Paper 00-FL570, 2000.
  16. Hasse C., Barths H., Krause A., Bikas G., Peters N.: Abschlussbericht, “Modellierung der Schadstoffbildung bei der dieselmotorischen Verbrennung” , Teilpr. 9, Großprojekt der Bayerischen Forschungsstiftung - Potential neuartiger Einspritzverfahren zur Reduzierung von Ruß und NOx bei der dieselmotorischen Verbrennung, 2000.
  17. Bikas G., Peters N.: Abschlussbericht, “Erstellung reduzierter Reaktionsmechanismen für Ein- und Mehrkomponenten Modellbrenn-stoffe”, Development and Research Program On Pollutant-Reduced Combustion Systems (DROP-COS), September 2000.
  18. Bikas G., Peters N.: “Numerical Investigation of Soot Reduction by Injection of Hydrogen Peroxide under Diesel Engine Conditions”, 2nd Meeting of Greek Section of Combustion Institute, November 1999, Thermi, Greece.

    Patent Applications

  19. W. Freund, J. Fritz, G. Bikas, S. Jenkins: “Systems and methods for controlling exhaust gas recirculation”, General Electric Company, Jan, 3 2013: US20130000614, Patent Nr 8944035.
  20. R. Erdmenger, D.C. Hofer, J. Fritz, Scotti del Greco, G. Bikas, M. Stablein, S. W. Freund, V. Michelassi „ Systems and Methods for an Engine with a two-stage Turbocharger“, 2013, Application Nr 20130031902.
  21. S. Kulkarni, S. W. Freund, J. Fritz, G. Bikas, J. H. Yager, S. Kiran: “Methods and systems for an engine” , General Electric Company, Sep, 6 2012: US20120222659.
  22. W. Freund, J. Fritz, G. Bikas, S. Jenkins: “Diesel engine system and control method for a diesel engine system”, General Electric Company, Jan, 5 2012: US20120000448, Patent Nr 8528530.
  23. Fritz, G. Bikas, G. Ast, A. Simpson, T. J. Frey, R. R. Erdmenger: “System and method for waste heat recovery in exhaust gas recirculation”, General Electric Company, US20110209473.
  24. M. Sihler, G. Bikas, H. Kopecek: “System for closed-loop control of combustion in engines”, General Electric Company, 2011 US7996142 (B2), Patent Nr 7996142.
  25. M. Sihler, G. Bikas, H. Kopecek: “System for closed-loop control of combustion in engines”, General Electric Company, US20100122688.
  26. W. Freund, J. H. Yager, S. S. Kulkarni, S. Kiran, J. Fritz, G. Bikas, „ Method and system for controlling an EGR system in an internal combustion engine“, 2010, Patent Application, PCT/US2012/025837.
  27. W. Freund, G. Bikas, J. Fritz, S. Jenkins, „ Variable EGR Rate System for a Diesel Engine“, 2010, Patent Application.
  28. W. Freund, J. Fritz, S. Jenkins, G. Bikas, „ EGR Switching System for Donor Cylinder Engine“, 2009, Patent Application.
  29. Fritz, G. Bikas: „Efficient Low Emission Diesel Engine“, 2008, Patent Application.
  30. Fritz, G. Bikas, G. Toplack, R. R. Erdmenger.: „ External Mixture Formation for Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition“, 2008, Patent Application.
  31. Bikas, E. Karvounis: “Verfahren zur Direkteinspritzung von Kraftstoff in den Brennraum einer Brennkraftmaschine und System umfassend eine Einspritzdüse und einen Kolben zur Durchführung des Verfahrens”, FORD_2004_0040_EP, Patent application, 2004 EP 1630380 A1.