Projections by the Robert Koch Institute assume that up to 12.3 million people will suffer from Type 2 diabetes mellitus by 2040. In view of eroding care structures (e.g. family structures) and an unevenly distributed risk of developing Type 2 diabetes amongst the population, a social science perspective on the topic is becoming increasingly important. As the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes increases and the population ages, it is becoming more difficult to expand or maintain medical and social care structures. This primarily affects patients in rural areas, but also certain groups of people in urban centers. In addition, inhabitants of disadvantaged areas and people in generally unfavourable living conditions have an increased risk of illness while, at the same time, less access to medical and other care structures. In view of these developments, the project “Diabetes2social - Needs, Resources and Social Innovations in the Context of Type 2 Diabetes” aims to develop recommendations for innovations to improve the social situation and access to medical services on the basis of empirical analyses.

Duration: 15 January 2020 to 14 July 2023